Please see PDF analysis file below by Syed Asad Tirmazie on Dollar Index.
about Syed Asad Tirmazie:
- Written two books on trading & investment plans.
- Written various trading & investment articles that published locally & internationally.
- Author of more than 100 trading & investment tools indicators, having complete right over them. The famous one is Systematic risk indicator.
- Written more than 2000 reports, mostly Technical’s, Fewer Economical and fewer on Fundamentals after developing Financial model on excel.
- Managed and handled Small to Large Net investors including Bank’s & AMC’s trading & investment portfolio.
- Interviewed on various Business channels like, CNBC, Business Plus, Metro TV, Ajj TV, Indus, Sun TV & PTV.
- Conducted trading work shop and inaugurated trading branch of the previous company in Pakistan.
- Managed and handled teams of trading, sales, & research departments in the firms.
- In decision making I solved various cases of world markets. The famous ones are intimation of risk before appearance of crises in years 2005 & 2008 respectively.
Tags: dollar currency, dollar index, dollar trends