Steve Burns

I’m a trend follower and break out trader that specializes in the Darvas System. I have been an active trader for over 12 years. I trade stocks, ETFs, stock options and mutual funds. I have been featured on I am a contributor to and Business Insider. I am currently a top 300 reviewer on and have read and reviewed over 160 trading books on the site. I am also the author of “How I made Money using the Nicolas Darvas System” published by BN Publishing. My 2nd book New Trader, Rich Trader is due to be released in May 2011.

From 2003 to 2008 my accounts averaged over a 20% return each year, I have not had a losing year in the market since 2002. Through the principles of the Darvas Books I have learned to let winners run with trailing stops, limit risk, and to simply follow trends and not try to predict what will happen. I believe anyone can out perform the markets through the principles of risk management, trading a proven system, and discipline.

Social Network Genius

We are still at the infancy stage of the Internet transforming into the Social Internet. As investors wait for this […]