Here’s how much money you should have saved by age 50

By the time you turn 50, you should have a solid amount in savings for both your short- and long-term […]

How to tap your retirement savings without getting hit with a stiff tax penalty — but only if you absolutely have to

You are allowed to take a series of equal payments from your IRA or your 401(k) without being subject to […]

How much you should have in your retirement fund at every age

Your Retirement Fund at Every Age If you’re counting on Social Security to fund your retirement, you might want to […]

8 millionaire money tips for the rest of us

If you’re barely getting by, it may seem crazy to try to emulate a millionaire. After all, millionaires have a […]

10 reasons you’ll never be rich

Eliminate these bad habits and you’ll be on the road to financial prosperity. By Cameron Huddleston, Kiplinger’s Bad habits You […]