5. Be around like-minded people.

Create a support network. Talk about your experiences. The worse the experience it is to you, the better the story it is to everyone else.

Soon, you will be seeking uncomfortable experiences to share with your friends. Be a good storyteller.

6. Recognize your improvements.

Track your progress. Revel in it. You are now a changed person. You know it because you see it. Build your confidence by going back to what before was uncomfortable and go through the experience again.

You are seeing your progress in real time. By nature, you are going to want to push the envelope to find out your boundaries. You will find yourself saying, “I wish it would suck more.” It’s our human nature to know what we are able to overcome.

7. Rinse. Repeat.

There’s an old Russian saying, povtorenie mat ucheniya, which means “repetition is the mother of learning.”

The more you perform the same activity, the more confident you become. Confidence is a tangible thing–it comes from practice and repetition.